Emotional Intelligence

Mastering your thoughts and emotions

Emotional intelligence is measured as one’s ability to identify, understand, and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the feelings of others. Building your emotional intelligence muscle is imperative to become a calm, empathetic, and productive professional. This presentation covers the five personal components of emotional intelligence and their sub-components, as well as social skills, non-verbal communication, stress management, and conflict resolution. 

Controlling oneself and influencing others are cornerstone characteristics of a successful sales professional. This presentation is not to be missed for anyone serious about improving their game.

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Emotional Intelligence

You know what to do so why don't you do it?

Most real estate professionals know what to do but are challenged by the doing. Attending this presentation will give you the tools to understand yourself, manage your need for instant gratification, stress around tasks and conversations that stretch your envelope, and your “knee-jerk” responses to objections. It will also help understand others, communicate in their language while demonstrating care and empathy, defuse conflicts, and negotiate from a position of authenticity, truth, and strength.