
There is no such thing as status quo. Your business is either gaining or losing ground against the competition. Whether you are a large team or a full-blown brokerage operation, your business is gaining or losing ground against the competition. Often, the challenges come from systemic conditions that are difficult to pinpoint from the inside.

If it doesn't work, fix it!

The minutiae that make up real estate operations at the large team or brokerage level is unending, and details fall through the cracks. Are you getting the results you expect from your people, marketing, and technology investments? Are all your team members and agents performing as well as they could?

Analyzing your processes will reveal the tiny and sometimes big ways you can improve efficiency and results. It is the first step to creating your “Continuously Gaining Ground” plan, ensuring your resources are applied to enhance performance in all arenas.
You may not think of your company as a Fortune 500 company, but, at a minimum, recognize you are the leader of a business with the potential to earn millions. Shouldn’t you ensure your operations run in a way that supports that potential?

"Continuous improvement is not about the things you do well --that's work. It's about changing or removing the things that get in the way of your work"

Bruce Hamilton