Every "Great..." has a Coach. Do You?​

Athletes, actors, business tycoons, artists. They all have coaches. Great coaches and mentors educate, motivate, inspire, challenge, and dare. In all cases, they are relentless in their faith their student can rise to the challenge of their chosen vocation.

What to expect when you coach with me

For the last 30 years,  I have studied the art and science of sales from the best. I have observed, worked with, and analyzed dozens of top producers and hundreds of successful agents.   Testing processes and activities and joyfully watching success happen, I have developed a pragmatic method of coaching that will not fail -if you do the work.

The method is simple -not the same as easy! When you coach with me, I illuminate what you are doing, what you should be doing, and how. I am with you every step of the way, ensuring you stay on track and accomplish your objectives. If you are not ready for scrutiny, we are not a match.

I offer group coaching, one-on-one coaching,  emotional intelligence training, and accountability partnership. Most services are offered via Zoom or phone, so you can coach from anywhere, anytime.

Please reach out for a chat about your goals and ambitions. You have nothing to lose and success to gain.

"A good coach makes his players see what they can be
rather than what they are"

Ara Parasheghian

Group Coaching

Group coaching is the best way to get your business off the ground and tracking. Group classes are small and include 30 minutes of education and 30 minutes of Q&A. The exchanges created by that format are robust, allowing for multiple topics to be examined from various points of view, with the likelihood of one of those points of view closely mirroring yours.

One-On-One Coaching

We are all different, and so are our businesses. One-on-one coaching is your opportunity to have me look closely at you, your personality and habits, your business environment, strategies and activities to identify and coach you through the specific action items that will rapidly move you closer to your goal.

Emotional Intelligence Coaching

The Emotional Intelligence Coaching for Real Estate Sales Professionals is a groundbreaking program in real estate. While coaching education for agents is widely available, emotional intelligence coaching applied to the unique challenges of real estate sales is not. Learn how cultivating your emotional intelligence quotient will make you a better, more thoughtful, and productive professional.