Branding For REALTORS® Part 3 – How Do Your Personal and Business Values Differ


Your personal and business values can share some overlap, but they might also differ or extend from each other in exciting ways. Here’s a breakdown:


  • Core values: Some fundamental values, such as honesty, integrity, or respect, might directly apply to your personal and business life. They act as guiding principles regardless of the context.
  • Passion and purpose: If you’re passionate about something personally, it might fuel your business venture and shape its values and mission.


  • Scope: Personal values encompass your entire life, while business values focus specifically on your professional sphere and the impact you want to make in that area.
  • Stakeholders: Your personal values are primarily about your well-being and relationships, while business values consider the needs of employees, customers, and the community your business interacts with.
  • Priorities: Depending on the situation, you might prioritize different values. For example, flexibility might be crucial for personal well-being, while efficiency might be essential for business success.

Scaling Up

Some personal values might “extend” into your business in a magnified way. For instance, if you value sustainability personally, your business might aim to be eco-friendly beyond what’s strictly necessary.

New Considerations

Running a business introduces new values, like teamwork, innovation, and market competitiveness, that you might not consider personally. Ultimately, the relationship between your personal and business values is unique to you.

Reflecting on the following questions can help you bridge the gap:

  • How can I express my core values authentically through my business?
  • Which of my personal values might not translate well to a business setting, and how can I navigate that?
  • Are there any new values I need to consider for my business that don’t directly align with my personal ones but are still important.

Remember, your values are a dynamic system that can evolve over time. Regularly reassessing and aligning your personal and business values can lead to a more fulfilling and impactful life journey.

Value List

Here’s a list of personal values to inspire you, organized into different categories:

  • Core Values: Honesty: Truthfulness, integrity, and authenticity.
  • Respect: Treating others with dignity and consideration.
  • Compassion: Empathy, understanding, and care for others.
  • Responsibility: Taking ownership of your actions and choices.
  • Freedom: Independence, autonomy, and self-expression.
  • Justice: Fairness, equality, and standing up for what’s right.
  • Love: Kindness, affection, and deep connection with others.
  • Peace: Inner calmness, serenity, and freedom from conflict.
  • Personal Growth: Learning: Continuous curiosity, seeking knowledge, and self-improvement.
  • Creativity: Originality, imagination, and expressing yourself through art or ideas.
  • Adventure: Openness to new experiences, embracing challenges, and living fully.
  • Resilience: Bouncing back from setbacks, staying strong in adversity.
  • Balance: Maintaining harmony between different aspects of your life.
  • Health: Taking care of your physical and mental well-being.
  • Relationships: Family: Cherishing loved ones and nurturing strong bonds.
  • Friendship: Loyalty, support, and building meaningful connections.
  •  Community: Belonging, contributing to a larger group, and making a difference.
  • Communication: Openness, honesty, and clear expression in interactions.
  • Collaboration: Working effectively with others towards shared goals.
  • Trust: Faithfulness, reliability, and believing in others.
  • Contribution: Service: Helping others and making a positive impact.
  • Altruism: Selflessness and putting the needs of others before your own.
  • Sustainability: Protecting the environment and preserving resources for future generations.
  • Social justice: Fighting for equality and advocating for marginalized groups. 
  • Leadership: Guiding others, inspiring change, and making a difference.
  • Innovation: Bringing new ideas and solutions to the world.

Remember, this is just a starting point. Explore these values, reflect on your experiences, and choose the ones that resonate most deeply. You can even add your values to the list! By understanding your values, you can make decisions aligning with your identity and live more fulfilling lives.

Happy Selling   ∞

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